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There are several weather symbols. A common example is a black ball. This is the symbol for rain. There also is a triangle. This means small hail. When this triangle is black, it means hail. Three lines is the symbol for fog.One night stands are very bad, and so you must make sure to neverdo a one night stand. We Are Very Used To Potato Storming The Catalysts And They Milk The Cows Udders. We Need To Catalyse Our Mummas Becoz the world is getting square. Gangsta 987 out

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Q: What is difference between Warranty and Defect liability?
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What is customer defection rate?

customer defection is the rate at which customers defect or stop the usage of products of a company. business with high defection rate, would be losing their existing customers. in order to overcome this they use another term of customer retention, in simple words its to retain or prevent the existing customers to defect the product.Amandeep Sandhucustomer defection: It doesnt mean the total loss of a customer but rather the loss of any portion of that customer's business

What is 10 point system in fabric inspection?

what is 10 point system in fabric inspectionIf you want to produce high quality garments, you need high quality piece goods. When a sewing factory receives fabric from the mill, it is difficult to conduct a full 100% inspection of the fabric. '''Apparel Search recommends a minimum 10% inspection of all piece goods prior to spreading the fabric. Many factories attempt to inspect the fabric during the spreading, but this is probably unrealistic to depend on the spreader to control the fabric quality evaluation. The fabric should be inspected prior to the fabric reaching the cutting tables. ''' There are several piece good inspection systems for measuring the quality of fabrics. Their is a Ten-Point System, which was developed in the 1950's. That system assigns penalty points to each defect, depending on the length of the defect. The system is a bit complicated because the points per length vary for warp and filling defects. There is also a Dallas System published in the 1970's. That system was developed specifically for knits. According to this system, if any defect was found on a finished garment the garment would then be termed a second. In regard to fabric, this system defines a second as "more then one defect per ten linear yards, calculated to the nearest ten yards." For example, one piece 60 yards long would be allowed to have six defects. Another system for evaluating piece goods is the Four-Point System. In this system, you should inspect at least 10 percent of the total rolls in the shipment. Make sure to select at least one roll or each color way. The defect classification works as follows.Size of Defect:3 inches or less = 1 point penaltyOver 3 inches but not over 6 inches = 2 point penaltyOver 6 inches but not over 9 inches = 3 point penaltyOver 9 inches = 4 point penaltyNote: a maximum of 4 points should be charged to one linear yard. Also, note that only "major" defects are charged.The acceptable score varies. Many companies use 40 points per 100 yards as acceptable defect rate. However, others may find this not acceptable...Here is some math to show you an example.Total Yardage received: 5400Acceptance Point-count: 40 per 100 yardsTotal Yards Inspected : 540Total penalty points found in the sample inspection: 150 points150 divided by 540 times 100 = 27.77 points per 100 yards (because the allowance is 40 points per 100 yards, this shipment would be acceptable).Above are only a few examples of fabric testing procedures. In fact, above is only a short summary of the processes. If you are responsible for inspecting fabric, you really will need to do more research on this subject

How does the marketing research aid marketing managers in decition making Discuss with sutable examples?

The purchase / purchasing funnel is a model which describes the theoretical customer journey from the moment of first contact with your brand to the ultimate goal of a purchase.This model is important when marketing your business as it provides a method of understanding and tracking the behaviour of an average customer throughout the sales process. This can help with the following:Planning marketing campaignsHighlighting areas in order to improve your conversion rate (from potential to actual customers)Evolving the sales processDesigning customer relationship management (CRM) systemThe shape, number of stages and duration of the process can vary depending on both the consumer and the nature of the product, as well as many other factors. Many different versions have been published, but the fundamental stages remain the same. A funnel shape is used as is describes the natural loss of potential customers at each stage - many people may be aware of a particular brand, but this does not mean they'll purchase the product.Note: The purchase funnel focuses on the decision making path of a typical consumer. This is a different evolution of the sales funnel, which describes the typical active process a salesman can take in order to close a potential deal.THE MODERN PURCHASE FUNNEL:The diagram below summarises the modern purchase funnel, taking into account the emergence of internet research and includes post-purchase behaviour, and is explained below.1. PRE-AWARENESSAt this stage, the consumer has had no previous contact with your brand.2. AWARENESSPeople can be made aware of your brand with or without the desire to purchase. Awareness can be based on a communications message, word of mouth or independent discovery.PURCHASE INTENT TRIGGERThe moment at which the consumer starts thinking about a purchase could be triggered by an event, a change in circumstances, a pay rise, a need, or even an advertising message.3. RESEARCH & FAMILIARITYAt this point, the potential customer has decided they want or need a product similar to yours. They are likely start reading reviews, learning the features, making comparisons, asking for opinions, and using the internet to research their options in detail. This phase of the process can be lengthened or shortened depending on the value of the product - people are unlikely to spend time researching economy baked beans.4. OPINION & SHORT LISTDecision on the most likely purchases, this could be in the form of a written list, a mental note, or book marked websites.5. CONSIDERATIONDeciding between the most likely purchases, taking test-drives, going to a product demonstrations, asking the opinion of people who have already purchased.6. DECISION & PURCHASEFinal decision on the brand and product and whether they can afford it. Then taking the plunge, online or in a more face to face environment.7. BRAND / PRODUCT ADVOCATE (OR SABOTEUR)Once the consumer has bought, they will very quickly form an opinion on the product. Were there hidden costs? Did it scratch easily? Did it use too much petrol? Did it go mouldy quickly? If the opinion is especially positive they may spread the news of your brand via word of mouth promotion and positive reviews. This process is made especially easy on the internet.8. REPURCHASE INTENTIONIt's an established marketing fact that existing customers are significantly easier to convert than a completely new prospect, so bear this in mind when designing your marketing strategy. At some point in the future, it is likely that the product will need to be replaced or upgraded. If they are pleased with their purchase, there is a high likelihood they will consider buying from you again, but the battle isn't won yet.PRECONCEPTIONS AND EXPERIENCEDid the previous buy provide an excellent user experience, or break after a month? If it broke, customers may defect to your competitors. If your customer was happy, they may re-enter the funnel at Stage 3 - Familiarity.FAMILIARITYAlthough the customer probably has a good idea about your brand, they will want to familiarise themselves with your current product range, and with your competition.OPINIONShould they upgrade to the next item in the product range, stick with the most recent version or swap for competitor?Now customers continue through the funnel as before, with final considerations, a decision, and eventually a second purchase.PURCHASE FUNNEL AS A MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MODEL: AN AUTOMOTIVE CASE STUDYThe purchase funnel can be used to guide your marketing communications strategy, and this approach is can form the start of a customer relationship marketing (CRM) programme. By understanding where customers are in their decision process, you can make your messages more personalised and more relevant. As an example, we'll consider some typical stages in the automotive purchase funnel. As cars are a high value purchase, most consumers will take time to evaluate their options carefully before deciding on the best course of action.Marketing communications strategy for a fictional automotive businessPre-awarenessBefore the potential customers has even started looking for a car they will probably be aware of some of the major car brands and may even have an idea of the model they're looking for. However, lesser known brands may also offer a suitable product, and at this point it's critical for these companies to focus on brand awareness to ensure they make the list of potential considerations. Kia is a good example - a relative newcomer into the American and European markets with a surprising range of models. The customer notices an advert while watching evening TV and realises that Kia are selling cars in their country.AwarenessOnce the brand has gained some attention, more specific information will need to follow quickly. What does the current model line up look like? Do they have any seven seaters? What makes a Kia special? Are they in the right price bracket? Is there a dealership nearby?Research & familiarityIf the customer is interested in an SUV they will need some further product information on the Kia offering, so they turn to the internet. How much does it cost? What engines are offered? How long is the warranty? What do the press think about it? Is the website easy to navigate and professional? Are there any horror stories in an owner's chat room?Opinion & short listThe Kia SUV has made it on the short-list and a brochure is ordered, but they still need to make it clear why they are better than the competition. Kia makes a point of their impressive 10 year warranty which certainly stands out from the crowd.ConsiderationTime for a test drive. Is the dealership well presented? Does the salesman know what he's talking about? What options are available? Is the car impressive on the road? Is there room in the back for the kids?Decision & purchaseOk, the customer is convinced and is ready to part with their hard-earned cash. Is the transaction smooth? Are the finance deals reasonable? Does the salesman do a thorough hand-over?Brand / product advocate (or saboteur)A few years go by, and if things do go wrong, is the warranty process easy? Is the repair center helpful and quick? Is a courtesy car provided? The customer is happy, and convinces their neighbour to try out the same car.Repurchase intentionIt is now three years later, and a surprise mailing pops through the door inviting the customer to a special event at a racing circuit to experience the new product range.The customer is impressed with the warranty, customer service and reliability and adds the model up to their short-list for a new car.In this case study, Kia have identified the relevant customer touch points and ensured the relevant information is presented in a way that is personalised for each stage in the customer journey. All elements of the marketing mix have been used to successfully convert a prospect into an advocate. Success!ALTERNATIVE PURCHASE FUNNEL MODELS - A CRITIQUEA quick Google search will reveal many different (and sometimes conflicting) purchase funnel models. Most are produced by marketing consultancy firms keen for some easy PR exposure, often using attention grabbing headlines such as "The purchase funnel is dead". It is important to take these with a pinch of salt and evaluate the findings yourself before using them as part of your own strategy. Don't rip up your marketing rule book every time another model is published - they are much more similar than a first glance might suggest.Remember what the purchase funnel is meant to be:The purchase / purchasing funnel is a model which describes the theoretical customer journey from the moment of first contact with your brand to the ultimate goal of a purchase.We've summarised two evolutions of the funnel below, and we can learn from both of them.

Advantages and disadvantages of quality assurance?

Advantages: Firstly, Quality assurance stops customer from complaining which means that there are more customer satisfaction because the business is always checking the products at different intervals and is making sure the product is near perfection . Secondly, Quality assurance ensures that product is not faulty meaning that the product have no defect and is perfect to be sold to customers. Customers would think that the business is incredible for selling perfect product. For example, In Japan, Ice cream is sold in packages and the layer of the ice cream do not touch the wall of the packaging . Disadvantages: However, When a business uses quality assurance, there would be time consumption meaning that the work would be performed slower. It is performed slower as the workers would have to leave their main task just to check if the products are being well made. This would make the worker produce slower thus decreasing the productivity of their work . Additionally, it is very expensive and time consuming to train a staff to check the products at intervals. This means that the business would have to spend additional money on workers to train them and the same money could have been used to pay bills or buy machinery. As a matter of fact, Training staff is also time consuming as a Higher rank worker would have to spend time to train the other worker and thus both could not quality assurance during their working time .

A victim of advertising?

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What is the difference between error and defect?

sequence number 5.5

What is the difference between Defect and Defective?

A defective product has a defect: "My phone is defective" "What defect does it have?" "The defect is that the screen is broken" To defect can also mean to switch sides e.g. from an army or a political party

What is the difference between defect detection and defect prevention?

The defects detection is the validation process. The defects prevention is a verification process.

What is the exact difference between an defect and failure?

failure->Because of software problems code does not able to work. Defect->incorrect code.

What is the difference between defect prevention and prediction?

defect prevention includes those strategies through which we avoid to occur a defect. for example formal risk analysis, prototyping. in defect prediction those areas are highlighted where there is possibility that defect can occur.

How is the mass defect determined?

The mass of a nucleus is subtracted from the sum of the masses of its individual components.

What is the mass defect?

If you add the exact mass of the protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom you do not get the exact atomic mass of the isotope. The diference is called the mass defect. The difference between the mass of the atomic nucleus and the sum of the masses of the particles within the nucleus is known as the mass defect.

What is the difference between the risk and defect?

A risk is a potential problem that you are aware of, while it may not definitely occur. A defect however, is a fault, usually in the physical manufacturing or programming. One risk may be a defect...

What is the defect notification period?

It is same as DLP ie Defect liability period, which is generally 12 months from the completion period of any project.

What is difference between damage and defect?

Damage refers to physical harm caused to an object that may affect its function or appearance, often resulting from an external force or impact. Defect, on the other hand, refers to a flaw or imperfection in an object's design or construction that may affect its functionality or performance, typically present from the manufacturing process.

Warranty vs defect liability?

When it comes to goods and services, warranties are a promise from one party to another that certain things are true and correct, or products will meet a certain criteria. Defects liability period refers to the period of time in which a customer can oblige a supplier to make good on defected items, or issues resulting from a defective service.

How long is the warranty?

There is a limited 5 year warranty on the Peerlss LCD ceiling mount. The manufacturer warranty is one year and cover defect parts. You should purchase additional warranty just in case you feel you will have an extended problems.