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Kapag broken hearted

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Q: When a problem becomes apparent and the engineer manager chooses to ignore it is he making a decision?
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When a problem becomes apparent and the manager chooses to ignore it is he making a decision?

Yes, as manager he or she is making a decision and is responsible for the outcome.

How do you track where your wife has been?

You ask her. If she chooses to tell you or not is her decision. What you choose to do or not after is your decision.

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if the public chooses it will result in a election or decision to overrule that law.

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The New President Chooses a Replacement , (:

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Each Girl Scout council chooses the cookie baker that will provide cookies in their council. The decision is based on a variety of factors.

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God chooses people because He chooses them, we can't second guess Him, we just accept His decision. Our Blessed Lord chose St. Peter as His first Vicar on earth, so that is why John wasn't chosen - it was God's decision.

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Who picks the vice president if the current one becomes the president?

The New President Chooses a Replacement , (:

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The New President Chooses a Replacement , (:

Who becomes the new vice president if the current one become president?

The New President Chooses a Replacement , (: