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1) The purpose of exploratory research is to know the unknown

2) It narrows down the scope of investigation

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Q: Advantages and disadvantages of exploratory research?
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Advantages and disadvantage of exploratory research design?

Some of the advantages that go along with exploratory research design include flexibility of sources, strategic planning, and better conclusions. Some of the disadvantages that accompany exploratory research design include the fact that it is not usually very useful for the purpose of making decision on their own.

What are the advantages of exploratory research?

Advantages of exploratory research are: In depth understanding of subject, Idea testing, guidance to researchers, Flexibility of sources, Better conclusions, Strategic planning.

What are advantages of exploratory research?

Advantages of exploratory research are: In depth understanding of subject, Idea testing, guidance to researchers, Flexibility of sources, Better conclusions, Strategic planning.

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The advantages of field research is that you are getting information that is fresh from the source. You will get a pulse on what is happening now. The disadvantages is that sometimes field research does not represent the population as a whole. It also takes a lot of time to do.

What is analytical and exploratory research?

Exploratory research is when researcher little idea about topic and not applied previous theories or ideas.

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Exploratory Research also known as formulative research that focus on the discovery of ideas and insights as opposed to collecting statistically accurate data.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Operations Research?

better control, cost effective procedures

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What is researh?

Exploratory research is that is in explicit in nature. And the result of this research is reliable.

What is explaratory researh?

Exploratory research is that is in explicit in nature. And the result of this research is reliable.