Yellow Archangel, Lamiastrum galeobdolon, is a yellow-flowered Eurasian dead-nettle found in woodland. Note: One website states that it is edible, so I assume a sheep would eat the plant, but I've not searched further for confirmation.
Yellow banded poison frogs are carnivores. They mainly feed on small invertebrates such as insects and spiders.
Yellow anacondas are provided with frogs and rabbits.
is it that pet rabbits feet are black from below i have white rabbits and there feet are yellow :P
Elk, Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers, American Pippers
Herbivores eat only plant material. Some fish that are herbivores are the tilapia, yellow bloth rabbitfish, the Japanese angelfish, the surgeonfish, and the blenny fish.
they dont get sunlight
Producers are either green or yellow green. They are also plants, trees, shrubs or algae. A wolf isn't any of these so that makes them a consumer of food like rabbits, elk and other animals.
Many yellow plants produce seeds.
You have to find the pink rabbits with the yellow ear muffs
Producers are either green or yellow green. They are also plants, trees, shrubs or algae. A wolf isn't any of these so that makes them a consumer of food like rabbits, elk and other animals.
Yellow plants in Ragnarok can be found in various locations, such as the fields around Prontera, near Payon, and scattered throughout various maps in the game world. These yellow plants are used for crafting purposes and can be harvested with a knife or sickle.