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You can. Urine is bacteriostatic (free from bacteria) and it is recommended for people who are lost at sea to drink urine rather than salt water. Urine is mostly water and can keep you alive case of dire survival situations.

The answer is yes in survivle situations it is ok to drink your pee. It is 98 percent water. Bear grillz drank it on one of his epsods so it is ok

If you are going to play by tv. Les Shroud (Survivorman) did not drink his own urine because of the impurities. He instead filtered out the impurities.

All tv specialists aside. You create urine from consuming liquids. As long as you are consuming liquids on a regular basis you should stay relatively hydrated and it should remain safe to drink. If you haven't consumed any liquid for a couple days then you might want to steer clear because it's going to have a higher concentration of impurities. The same goes for if you have been drinking your urine for survival. The more times it passes the higher amount of impurities and less benefits it will have. If you are going to die if you don't drink it, then by all means drink away and then immediately start looking for water again.

Your right but it smells like crap must be worst drinking it. eww I love you

I'm actually going to improve on this answer by saying that it is NOT advised to drink your own urine in a survival situation, especially if you're already dehydrated. The reason being is that the kidneys concentrate salts in to the urine. So if you drink it you're just re-ingesting the salt and you will become even more thirsty after about 15 minutes. There have been many studies on this and even the Army Field Manual strongly advises against it. That's why, as an avid outdoorsman (that doesn't mean hunter) I won't EVER hit a trail unless I am prepared for the worse case scenario which means, in order, water, warmth and food.

Oh...don't eat your poo either. :)

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