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Scientists have two main theories about why giant pandas are black and white. One idea is that the coloring helps to camouflage them in the places they live where there are both rocks and snow. The other thought is that the bold colors helps these animals find each other when it is time to mate.

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Q: Why are giant pandas black and white?
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What other colors can pandas be besides black and white?

they can be the colour of your bum etc

What are white and black pandas called?

They are called giant pandas.

Are most pandas black and white?

Giant Pandas are Black and White bur Red Pandas are smaller and have more red.

Are pandas yellow and red?

No, Giant Pandas are black and white. Red Pandas are rust-colored with a black-and-white face.

What are giant pandas appearance?

They Are Black And White =)

what color are pandas ?

black and whitepanda's are black and white and their bellies are white with black around themBlack and White

What is the meaning of the giant pandas name?

black and white panda

How do you recognize giant pandas?

You look at it. If it is giant, black, white, and looks like a bear, it most likely is a giant panda

Are pandas always big?

Red Pandas are about the size of cats or raccoons, while the black/white Giant panda is about the size of a Black Bear.

How do you compare giant pandas and lesser pandas?

The giant panda is much larger, is black and white in color, and has a short tail. The lesser is smaller, and looks similar to a red and white raccoon.

Is a panda black and white?

Most giant pandas are black and white. However, there is a subspecies that is tan and brown - the Qinling panda.

Can giant pandas come in different colours?

No, giant pandas have a distinct black and white coloration that is unique to their species. Their coat pattern helps them blend in with their bamboo forest environment.