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Her birthday is to what i beleave May 7 but I'm not sure!

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15y ago

it is when it was born or adopted

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4y ago

Honestly, i agree with the other guy

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4y ago

I bet her birthday is on Easter (April)

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Q: When is Cream the rabbit's Birthday?
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When is your rabbits birthday?

my rabbits birthday is on September 17, 1976....when is yours??

Is ice cream good for rabbits?

No, ice cream is not good for rabbits. Rabbits have a delicate digestive system that cannot properly digest dairy products like ice cream. Feeding rabbits ice cream can lead to digestive issues and other health problems. It is recommended to stick to a diet of hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of pellets for rabbits.

Do rabbits have birthdays?

They have birthdays, but I'm pretty sure they don't have birthday parties.

What are the lyrics of Birthday birthday oh what fun?

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Is cream bad for rabbits?

Yes you should never give them ice cream blueberries tomatoleaves and cucumbers! They hate cucumbers!! At least mine does!

What is better than cake and ice cream at a birthday?

The only thing better than cake and ice cream at a birthday is yogurt covered pretzels and shirley temples.

Is cream the rabbit going to grow older?

Rabbits typically live to be 5 to 6 years old. Older rabbits have been recorded but their quality of life is in question.

When is Cream the Rabbit's birthday on Sonic X?

June 17

Does cream the rabbit like spinach?

Well she kind of is a rabbit, rabbits are herbivores, spinach is a vegetable... Use your imagination.

What type of ice cream does katy perry eat?

Katy's favorite ice cream is the Birthday Cake Remix from Coldstone Creamry.