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At any time of the year, if you have a year-round calving operation. For those on set calving schedules, calving ranges from mid-winter to early spring (grass-fed operations calve around mid- to late spring) and/or around autumn, primarily.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Any time of the year, if you have a year-round calving operation. For those on set calving schedules, calving ranges from January all the way to May, and some calve in autumn, which is from September to December.

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12y ago

The life of a whale begins in the womb where it grows for 15 months before being born. the whale will be able to produce a calf every 4-6 yearsuntil after 40 years of age


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13y ago

Spring into summer. Pretty well any time of the year that isn't really cold or really muddy.

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Anytime of the day, month or year.

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Any time.

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Q: What time of year are calves born?
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What time are calves born?


How many calves are born each year?

This question is impossible to answer since we have no idea of location where these calves are born, location as in country or state/province.

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How many calves are born at one time?

A cow can deliver one calf at a time.

How many moose babies are born?

Moose typically give birth to one calf at a time, though twins can occasionally occur. The calves are usually born in the spring, and they are able to walk and swim shortly after birth.

What do you call more then one baby cow?

If it is a group of calves born from different mothers than you call them a herd of calves or a group of calves. If it is two calves born at the same time from the same mother than they are twins, just the same as human offspring would be called.

What happens during the time of mating of a cow?

Only once a year.

How old are manatees when they have calves?

Manatees are at least a year old when they have calves.

Can you give a sentence using calves?

two calves were born yesterday.

Are all calves born with blue eyes?

No. Blue eyes in calves is a very rare genetic occurrence. Almost all calves born into this world are born with brown eyes, not blue.

How many calves are usually born at the same time to a cow?

Always one. I've never heard of two calves being born at the same time; if there were twins, it's always one after the other, as the cow's pelvis is only wide enough to allow one calf through at a time.

How much do calves grow in first year?

Depends on the breed. Most calves can gain between 600 and 800 lbs in their first year.