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10y ago

Comparing ants to humans scientists found that approximately 20 percent of their genes are unique. Thirty three percent of their genetic material is shared with humans.

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about 93%

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Q: What percentage of DNA do humans share with an ant?
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Are humans ant eaters?

yes people are ant eaters save are lives.

Where is an ant's heart?

it is along the back part of an ant body

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Can humans know how it feels to be an ant?


What organisms eat ants?

Ant Bears, Ant Eaters, Chimpanzees, Humans, Birds, Lizards.

What eats a black ant?

Anteaters and some humans do.

What percentage of an ant's brain is used?

According to the size of it's brain ant uses approximately 75% to 80%

Can a fire ant make a fire?

No. Fire in fire ant references the burning sensation these insects cause on the humans.

Can humans ever know how it feels to be an ant?

sometimes they contract ant aidess. making them grow smaller in size so yes they can feel like an ant

Ant poisoning on humans?

Aspartame or nutrasweet is apparently an effective ant poison and was developed as such.It was decided by Donald Rumsfeld and Serle corporation that it was more profitable to feed this neurotoxin to humans.

Are ant feces toxic to humans?

Ant feces are no more toxic to humans than any other fecal matter. Rarely, individuals may be sensitive to proteins in ant droppings, but the volume is so small that few people will encounter any large amount.

Is there really an ant zombie fungus that will soon get to humans?

Possibly,the CDC and WHO are studying this.