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Certain plants are nitrogen fixers. Alfalfa is one.

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Q: What kind of organisms can remove nitrogen from the atmosphere bacteria plants mammals or fish?
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What organisms are capable of the process of fermentation?

any mammals, i believe. or yeasts or bacteria

What does the Earth's biosphere consist of?

The Earth's biosphere consists of all the regions of the Earth's crust, waters, and atmosphere where living organisms can be found. It includes a wide variety of ecosystems and habitats that support a diverse range of organisms from microscopic bacteria to large mammals.

What other organisms make air?

Plants play a crucial role in producing oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. They take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere. Algae and some bacteria also contribute to oxygen production through photosynthesis.

Do bacteria excrete urea?

Yes they do. Many organisms including mammals, fish, fungi and microorganisms do excrete urea.

Are animals eukarayotes?

Eukaryotes are defined as organisms with a nucleus in their cell membranes. 'Animals' are Eukaryotic (mammals, plants, fungi, etc.) and organisms like Bacteria are Prokaryotic (E.Coli, Staph, etc.)

The three major subdivisions of all organisms?

The three major subdivisions of all organisms are Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. These groups are based on differences in cell structure and biochemistry. Eukarya includes organisms with complex cells, such as plants, animals, fungi, and protists, while Archaea and Bacteria consist of simpler organisms with prokaryotic cells.

Common characteristics that a bacteria and a mammal share?

Almost nothing. Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes, some of which are autotrophic; mammals are multicellular eukaryotes, all of which are heterotrophic. Bacteria are considered the least advanced organisms on earth; mammals, along with birds, are considered the most advanced. The bodies of mammals contain bacteria, most of which are helpful or harmless, and a few of which are harmful. The only common characteristics of mammals and bacteria are the 7 basic characteristics of living things: all living things maintain homeostasis, are organized into one or more cells, obtain and release energy, grow and develop, adapt to their environments, respond to stimuli, and reproduce.

Which type of organisms are easier to clone?

Organisms with lower genetic complexity, such as bacteria and plants, are generally easier to clone compared to mammals or more complex organisms. This is because their cells are more adaptable to cloning techniques and have fewer barriers to successful reproduction.

How does bacteria benefit some mammals?

Digestion - and its all mammals.

What lives in a form?

Many different types of organisms can live in a diverse range of forms, from single-celled organisms to complex multicellular organisms. From microscopic bacteria to large mammals, life can exist in various forms depending on the environment and evolutionary adaptations.

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What are ten soil organisms?

Soil food web organisms range from the microscopic to the very visible. They also range from bugs to invertebrates to mammals. Examples include the microscopic fungi, nitrogen fixing bacteria and nematodes, and protozoa. They also include the ground burrowing beavers, ground hogs, and moles and voles. And they include the ground nesting giant cicada killers. And they include the ground tunneling earthworms, and the scavenging ground beetles