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Known as Tantor.

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Q: What is the elephant in tarzan called?
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What is the elephant's name from Tarzan?

Tantor! And in the language of the apes, it means... ELEPHANT!!

What is the name of Tarzans friends?

Tarzan's elephant friend is called Tantor.

What is the name of Tarzans elephant?

Tarzan's elephant is named Tantor. He is a close friend and companion of Tarzan in various adaptations of the Tarzan story.

What are the release dates for The Legend of Tarzan - 2001 Tarzan and the Rogue Elephant 1-6?

The Legend of Tarzan - 2001 Tarzan and the Rogue Elephant 1-6 was released on: USA: 29 September 2001

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Tarzan Lord of the Jungle - 1976 Tarzan and the White Elephant 4-8 was released on: USA: 3 November 1979

What is da small elephants name in Tarzan Disney movie?

The baby elephant's name in the beginning of Disney's Tarzan is Tantor. He grows up with Tarzan, and they become the best of friends. He is a paranoid, kindhearted elephant.

Which 1940 Tarzan movie had a wild elephant tricked into going over a cliff?

It was not a Tarzan film. It was Beyond the Blue Horizon(1942) with a Tarzan-like Richard Denning, who along with Dorothy Lamour tricked Mabok, a rogue elephant into making the fateful plunge.

What did Tarzan say to the elephant to move him?

"Up ! Simba !"

What are Tarzans sidkicks in the movie Tarzan?

Tantor the Elephant and Terk the Ape (Terk is a girl).

Did Kurt Russell play in a Tarzan movie?


What knot should Tarzan use - if Tarzan is about to be pulled apart - imagine a rope tied to each wrist with each then attached to an elephant - is there a knot that would isolate him in the middle?

One of them.

What is Tarzan's brother called?

Tarzan never had a brother. He was an only child.