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Who cares? Llamas will not spit at you if you aren't mean to them and if you didn't do anything, that means someone else was abusing them! Their spit can either be saliva, grain, or cud! Hph...

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Q: What is llama spit?
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How do llama spit?

Llama spit is regurgitated chewed up grass or hay.

Can a llama spit farther than an alpaca?

A llama can spit around 45 feet while an alpaca can only spit around 10 feet so a llama can spit farther.

What is llama juice?

The combination of llama spit, urine, and blood

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Is llama spit poisonous?

Not a chance. Llama spit is made of grass, grass, and more regurgitated grass. The exact same stuff that is in your cattle's stomachs. I think your cattle will be just fine. If you don't melt when you get spit on, they won't either.

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Is Llama spit acidic?

I dont thing so...

What are the odds of having a llama spit on you?


What are some neat facts about llama's?

watch ou they SPIT!

Why do llamas spit on you?

They only spit if you are teasing them by sticking your face close to them, or mistreating them in some way. This is seen as offensive and a challenge to a llama, and as a defense they will spit.

Name two reasons a llama might choose to spit?

Llamas might spit as a form of defense or when feeling threatened to establish dominance within their social group. Additionally, llamas may spit to express frustration or displeasure, such as during mating season or when feeling agitated.

Why would a llama choose to spit?

Llamas spit as a defense mechanism, especially if it doesn't like a particular animal or human (or another llama) being too close to it's face or it period. It's a way to make said animal, human or llama to move away out of its comfort zone.