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people say cloning animals the animals could all be killed by the same diseases because they are all the same.

if they are being used for food people say its not not the nutrients of real meat.

for some people they seen it as against nature and god.

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Crawford Rodriguez

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2y ago
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15y ago

With a combination of cloning and DNA engineering it is theoretical possible to bring into existence a human that has particular talents or physical characteristics that may be of use to industry the government or the armed forces. there are those that feel this possibility is immoral and in the long run downright dangerous for both the existing human being as well as the future of human kind. in the case of animals this can lead to a situation where the boi diversity gets striped out of them in order to give the shops a uniform easily handeled product. Leading to the no flavour tomato situation that we al complain about today, or a blight or disease as a result of unexpected weaknesses that can lead to epidemics.

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12y ago

breeding the same bad genes that dogs can have with their prior history

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Q: What are some of the moral and ethical concerns about cloning?
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What are some questions on cloning?

Moral and ethical questions. ie.. Is man playing god?

What are some of the ethical questions regarding cloning humans?

Ethical questions surrounding human cloning include concerns about violation of individuality and uniqueness, potential exploitation of cloned individuals, and uncertainty about long-term health consequences. Additionally, there are debates regarding the moral status of cloned embryos and the implications for societal values and norms.

What do geneticists think of cloning?

Geneticists have varying opinions on cloning. Some see its potential for medical and agricultural advancements, while others express ethical concerns about the implications of cloning on individual identity and rights. Overall, the scientific community stresses the importance of strict regulations and ethical considerations when exploring cloning technologies.

Why are people scared of cloning?

People may be scared of cloning due to ethical concerns about playing "creator," fear of the unknown consequences of cloning, and worries about the potential misuse of cloning technology for unethical purposes. Cloning also raises questions about individuality and identity that can unsettle some people.

How does the people think of the cloning?

Opinions on cloning vary among people. Some see it as a scientific advancement with the potential to benefit society by helping in medical research and organ transplantation. Others have ethical concerns about the implications of human cloning and the potential for misuse.

Is there a really clone skill there in the world that can clone people is yes why people had not clone out some one like edision?

There is currently no technology that can clone a full human being. While some progress has been made with cloning animals, the ethical and moral concerns surrounding human cloning have prevented it from being pursued. Additionally, cloning a specific historical figure like Thomas Edison raises significant ethical, legal, and scientific challenges.

Is cloning immoral?

The morality of cloning is subjective and depends on individual beliefs and values. Some people believe cloning raises ethical concerns related to identity, autonomy, and potential harm to the cloned individual. Others view cloning as a valuable scientific tool with the potential to benefit society.

How many people agree with cloning?

Opinions on cloning are diverse and vary among individuals and groups. Some people support cloning for medical research, while others have ethical concerns about the implications of cloning on identity, genetic diversity, and the sanctity of life. Overall, public opinion on cloning is not uniform and can depend on specific contexts and applications.

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What are some more advantages and disadvantages of cloning?

Advantages of cloning include potential for medical advancements, preservation of endangered species, and agricultural benefits. Disadvantages include ethical concerns regarding human cloning, reduced genetic diversity leading to vulnerability to diseases, and unpredictable long-term consequences.

Is cloning a morally acceptable practice?

Opinions on cloning vary widely. Some people view it as a promising scientific advancement with potential benefits, while others have ethical concerns about the implications of cloning on individuality and human rights. Ultimately, whether cloning is morally acceptable is a subjective judgment that depends on one's values and beliefs.

What is the potential benefits of cloning human beings?

Cloning humans raises ethical concerns and challenges around individuality, identity, and potential exploitation. Additionally, there are unresolved scientific and technical challenges, such as high rates of failure and health risks for the cloned individual. Overall, the ethical and practical implications of human cloning outweigh any potential benefits.