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I heard its called a pack or route

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Q: What are a group of werewolves called?
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What were race of werewolves in Underworld?

The Werewolves in Underworld were called Lycans

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Werewolves if that's what you mean.

What is a group of werewolves called?

Trouble. Were-wolves are not sociable creatures and do not groupl It is true that werewolves are not sociable creatures, however they do indeed group. In a "pack" or "route" of werewolves there is the Alpha werewolf, this is the original lycanthrope, or the first to transform via sorcery, satanic allegiance, curse, etc. The other members of the pack are referred to as the Beta werewolves, and achieved their beasly status from being bitten by the Alpha werewolf.

Do werewolves imprint?

In some folklore and modern interpretations, werewolves can form an imprint or strong bond with a specific individual or group. This bond can manifest as a sense of protection or loyalty towards the person or group.

What was the race of the werewolves called in underworld?


How are vampires and werewolves alike?

vampires can actually turn into werewolves. its the truth (but folklore) Vampires can trans there body to werewolves as werewolves can trans themselfs to vampire. its called camouflage. vampires tend to turn themselves as werewolfs for disguise.

In the movie Underworld what were the werewolves called that supposedly killed Selene's parents?

The werewolves that kill Selene's parents are called lycans. In underworld lycans are werewolfs with a human side, but werewolves are just savage beast with thoughts of nothing but bloodshed.

In the movie Underworld what was the race of werewolves called?


In the movie Underworld what were the werewolves called that supposedly killed Selene?

they were called the lycans

What were the werewolves called van helsing?

If I am correct, Lycans or Lycanthropes