Hibernation refers to the dormant state some animals go into to survive the
Some animals go into a dormant and bears state during the summer. This dormant state is
called "Estivation"
Snow birds.
Another answer--
This is called estivation, or aestivation, and it happens when the summer season is also an extremely dry season. According to Google, the following creatures estivate: some land snails, lady beetles (that's the name, not meaning female ones), many land crabs, North American desert tortoises, crocodiles (well, that's what they say. Not all of them, obviously), salamanders,cane toad, greater salamander, African lungfish, water-holding toad, Malagasy fat-tailed dwarf lemur, and East African hedgehogs.
I personally wouldn't bet that all of these things estivate all of the time. I'm pretty sure lady beetles are what most of us call ladybugs, and I've seen them in the summer. Crocodiles love hot weather, but maybe if their habitat dries up they estivate? For some others in the list, the Google article didn't sound too sure.
A bear
Dung beetles and some other insects hibernate through summer and winter for cold and hot temperatures kill them.
Bears are known to hibernate...
Frogs By Juwayriyah Rashid
Humans :P
mostly just mammals hibernate such as bears but some frogs also hibernate
This is from wikipedia:Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animal, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rate.slower breathing, so yes your tortoise does respire when it hibernates
The same way it helps any animal that hibernates - it protects if from the extreme cold of winter.
a grizzly bear because it hibernates and its body tempature drops