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Relatively simple organisms with more chromosomes

might have smaller chromosomes containing

less DNA. Also, some of the DNA in an

organism's chromosomes may not carry information

that is actually used by the organism.

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Q: Some relatively simple eukaryotes such as the adder's tongue fern may have many more chromosomes than a more-complex eukarytoe such as a mammal what might this suggest about the size and organizatr?
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What types of chromosomes in humans determines the gender of the baby?

The sex chromosomes...XX for a female, XY for a male, with some other relatively rare variations.

Evidence for the relatively close relationship of archaea to eukaryotes includes what?

Similarities in DNA replication machinery, RNA polymerase subunits, and the presence of introns in some archaea genomes suggest a close relationship of archaea to eukaryotes. Additionally, studies on the protein translation machinery also support this evolutionary link.

Is there a relationship between the size of an organism and the number of chromosomes?

Not necessarily. Organism size and chromosome count are not directly correlated. For example, while humans have 46 chromosomes, some plants can have hundreds of chromosomes and still be relatively small in size. The number of chromosomes can vary among different species and does not dictate the size of the organism.

What are the basic differences between prokaryic and eukaryotic?

Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, whereas eukaryotic cells have a distinct nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotic cells are typically smaller and simpler in structure, while eukaryotic cells are larger and more complex.

Is usher syndrome a gene or chromosomal?

Usher syndrome is a relatively rare genetic disorder caused by a mutation. The gene is not carried on one of the sex chromosomes (X or Y).

Is the change in the size of the chromosomes the cause of sickle cell disease?

the sickle cell disease can be caused by many things including the change in size of chromosomes. the change of size in chromosomes can change and become either bigger or smaller. if the size doesnt change, then it doesnt get bigger or smaller which means the size stays relatively the same in general. it also makes you get a priapism

How many chromosomes are present in the abnormal karyotype?

It depends on the specific abnormality. Typically, humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs). Abnormalities can involve alterations in the number or structure of chromosomes, leading to conditions such as trisomy 21 (3 copies of chromosome 21) in Down syndrome or Turner syndrome with only one X chromosome.

Is there a difference between the chromosomes of men and women?

Human females are XX; males are XY.In humans, females have 22 pairs of chromosomes called autosomes, plus one pair of sex chromosomes, consisting of two copies of chromosome X. The X chromosome is between chromosomes 7 and 8 in size. Males have the same autosomes, but their sex chromosomes consist of one X and one relatively tiny Y, which is the shortest chromosome humans have except for chromosomes 21 and 22.Many other animals determine their sex the same way. But birds, moths, and butterflies are the other way round (males are WW; females WZ), and some animals use a different system altogether, such as whether the egg is fertilized or not: honey bees, for example.

Does the number of chromosomes determine how complex an organism is?

No, the number of chromosomes does not necessarily determine how complex an organism is. Complexity is determined by various factors such as genetic diversity, gene expression, and environmental influences. Organisms with a similar number of chromosomes can vary in complexity due to these factors.

Another name for prokaryote?

Prokaryotes are non-nucleated cells. That is, the genetic material is not contained within a nucleus, like eukaryotes, but is distributed around the cell. Bacteria are an example of prokaryotes, and one would be relatively safe using this as a substitute. Bacteria is another name for a prokayote.

Is 34 relatively prime?

It can be. 34 is relatively prime to 35. 34 is not relatively prime to 40.

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