no the parasites would be killed along with the bacteria in the acid of the stomach i wouldn't say you have anything to worry about
hope that aswered your question!
thank you for visiting wiki aswers! :D
Worms eat cats that are decomposed and they take small bites of it.
Eels can and do eat worms. They also eat shrimp, small crustaceans, crickets, blood worms, and smaller fish. They can also eat frogs.
Dangerous? Probably not. Gross - definitely yes!
They eat worms, spiders, snails and slugs.
A cat can eat a meal worm with out any risk to the health of the animal. People eat meal worms. Meal worms are a source of protein.
I'm a peon, and it would definitely be dangerous (for a cat) to try and eat me!
I do not believe they eat worms, but they do eat a lot of insects. I also heard they really eat whatever you give them. I have never heard of them eating worms.
yes they can
Many type of fish eat blood worms from betta fish, goldfish, through to many saltwater fish
No tehy are not to humans but they eat plants at fast rates
I believe that flesh eating worms eat blood...
meat with grass