

Is Bigfoot a gorilla

Updated: 11/13/2022
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16y ago

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== == Bigfoot is a figure in North American folklore said to inhabit remote forests, mainly in the Pacific northwest region of the US and the Canadian province of British Columbia. Bigfoot is sometimes described as a large, hairy bipedal hominoid, and many believe that this animal, or its close relatives, may be found around the world under different regional names, such as the Yeti of Tibet. Most researchers consider Bigfoot a legend but some authors believe that the stories could be true.

Though not confirmed to exist, Bigfoots (also known as Sasquatches and a variety of other names) are generally thought to be rather large, hair covered, bipedal, human-like primates, with some gorilla characteristics, but not specifically gorillas. Gorillas are known primates. Bigfoots, if they are found to exist, would represent a new form of primate unknown to science and zoology.

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There really isn't, except for the theory that Bigfoot is a guy in a gorilla suit (WHICH ISN'T TRUE, BIGFOOT LIVES!!!!)

How many types of gorillas are there?

There are four recognized types of gorillas: western lowland, eastern lowland, mountain, and Cross River gorillas.

How was bigfoot found?

Well Basiclly,Bigfoot was found not long ago.People on YouTube always make fake vids of "Bigfoot'' in gorilla costumes.But the only real footage that I can think of is the Patterson Bigfoot Footage.

Hi I am doing a report on Bigfoot and can you tell me when and where and how did Bigfoot die?

We don't even know for sure if Bigfoot actually existed, let alone died. Previous photographs of Bigfoot have so far been proven to be a human in a gorilla outfit. At the moment Bigfoot seems to be one of the biggest hoaxes.

Why is everyone scared of Bigfoot?

It is unclear if Bigfoot exists or not, but the idea of a large, human-gorilla-like creature that could destroy humans that lives in the forest is a bit unsettling.

Does Bigfoot the grizzly and the gorilla have the same size footprint?

yes they do but if u played red dead redemption you would know that already

What does Bigfoot looks like?

A big furry creature. With large feet, Half man and half gorilla.

What genus does Bigfoot have?

Since Bigfoot is always described as a rather man-like or anthropomorphic creature, presumably, if there is such a creature, it belongs to the primate family, very likely a great ape. Most likely it would belong to the genus gorilla.

Who is bigfoot realted to?

Well Bigfoot is really related to us humans and apes/gorilla's. Big foot is not necessarily real as there is no evidence on if they are or not. However Bigfoot/Sasquatch/yeti (it is mostly described as Bigfoot) has been seen so much that many believe that they are real! If you want to see the 911 calls on sitings of big foot or the real videos of them just go on to you tube. P.S Not all of them are real!