101.9 FM Radio Station for the concerts for Katy Perry, Pitbull, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and many more.
Go Girl - Pitbull song - was created in 2007.
8 years old.
It is up to Beliebers and their parents as to whether Beliebers should go to Justin Bieber concerts or not. Most Beliebers want to go to their idol's concerts, but their parents may not like them going to rock concerts.
Go to concerts.
Minors can go to concerts. Under age 14, they need to have an adult with them.
Concerts don't have age limits, but parents may. So, it is up to your parents.
Pitbull went to a Miami jail for charges of driving under the influence
When people go to concerts they really just go to see the person sing their songs so they go to concerts to see them sing.