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Can't say, it depends. Who would count? A lot, though.

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13y ago

Guinea pigs have pea sized bladders.They need to poop about every 15 to 20 minutes.

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Is guinea pigs brains the size of there poop?

About but not quite. guinea pigs brains are bigger than poop.

Do guinea pigs poop heaps when they are pregnant?

in my experience (4 times) guinea's don't poo abnormal amounts.

Do guinea pigs poop?


Where do guinea pigs poop?

everywhere and in great volume.

Do guinee pigs poop in the same spot each time or not?

Guinea pigs will poop in spots where they go a lot like around their food bowl, timothy hay, toys, or water bottle.

Why does a male guinea pig start eating all of his droppings?

Both male and Female guinea pigs sometimes eat their droppings. the reason is that their poop contains minerals that are helpful to the guinea pig.

What does it mean when a guinea pig urines on you?

it doesnt mean anything....guinea pigs can urintae and poop on u at anytime....carry a towel on ur lap to avoid accidents

Your 2 guinea pigs make a mess in their cage there is poop and pee everywhere in 2 or 3 days do you have to change the cage that often is it okay that they are living on top of poop for days?

NO! That is cruel and guinea pigs will get fungal infections and there coat will get yuck! You should use a different bedding because the bedding you use is not absobent.

Why is a guina pigs poop sometimes clear?

You should take your guinea to the vet, I don't think it's normal for their poo to be clear.

What do you do if dried poop is on your guinea pigs foot?

Either leave it, it should come off in the sawdust or wood shavings, whatever is in your guinea-pig's cage, or, you can pick up the guinea-pig and flick it or pick it off.

Is it good for Guinea pigs to poop alot?

I can't say it is GOOD, but it is OK. If your piggy poops alot, don't worry! Because it just naturally happens at some point. You can't force a guinea pig to hold in it's poop, right? So clean your guinea pigs cage weekly. But spot clean the part that your guinea pigs poops/pees in daily. Because you might be surprised how messy it can get in just 12 hours! So, clean your guinea pig's cage, 'cause it might smell. Hope this helped!

Why do guinea pigs eat their poop?

its okay if guinea pigs eat their own poop because they don't get enough mineral so they eat their own poop to get it so its okayYeah what she said all though its like Poop it isn't well squishy they eat so they can digest their food properly too.This type of poop contains vitamins, minerals and some proteins that were not absorbed when ingested first time. So in order to get these vitamins, minerals and proteins into their system, guinea pigs reingest this type of poop.