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Q: How long does a baby wolverine live with its mother?
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The baby jaguar never knows its father. Only the mother cares for the young.

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They are independent at birth..Do not receive parental care at all.

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Baby manatees are born live birth from their mother. They have birth under water, and if it takes to long then they can die.

How long can a wolverine live?

wolverine is a mutant so he will probably live for a lot more years than humans do so probably 200 years without looking older

How long is mother wolverine pregnant for?

The gestation period (time of pregnancy) in wolverines is 30 to 50 days.

How long does a baby rabbit need to live with its mother?

Up to around 5-6 weeks! No earlier no later!

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the baby chimps stays 8 months with their mother

How long do baby chimps stay with their mother?

the baby chimps stays 8 months with their mother

How long does a baby jaguar live with its mother?

A baby jaguar typically stays with its mother for about 1-2 years. During this time, the mother jaguar will teach the cub essential hunting and survival skills before it becomes independent.

How long do baby pandas live in their mothers wound?

The time that baby pandas remain in their mother's womb (called the gestation period) is between 95 and 160 days.