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Bison apex

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Hussein Hachem

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Q: How Antelope are herbivores that live on prairies. Which organism would have a niche most similar to that of an antelope?
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What contributed to the decline in the bison and antelope populations in North America?

The prairies that have been converted to farmland contributed to the decline of bison and herds and predators (and antelope). They all followed to the farmland and the praires have become the richest agricultural region.

Where does jackalope live?

The jackalope is a mythical creature said to inhabit North American folklore, especially in the American West. It is believed to have the body of a jackrabbit and the antlers of an antelope. While it is not a real animal, it is often depicted in stories and artwork as living in prairies and deserts.

What kinds of animals once lived on the prairies?

Animals that once lived on the prairies include bison, elk, pronghorn antelope, wolves, coyotes, and various bird species like meadowlarks and prairie chickens. These animals have adapted to the grasslands environment and play important roles in the prairie ecosystem.

What is the animal life of the interior plains?

The animal life of the interior plains includes bison, pronghorn antelope, coyotes, white-tailed deer, and various bird species such as meadowlarks and hawks. These animals have adapted to the grasslands and prairies of the interior plains region.

What is the grassland for Canada?

The grasslands in Canada are primarily found in the prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. This region is known for its vast expanses of grassy plains, which support a variety of wildlife such as bison, pronghorn antelope, and numerous bird species. The grasslands in Canada are an important ecosystem that provides habitat for many species and contributes to agricultural production.

Can a weasel live in Prairies or grasslands?

Yes, weasels can inhabit prairies and grasslands. They are versatile animals that can adapt to various habitats as long as there is sufficient food and shelter available. Weasels are skilled hunters that can thrive in open grassland environments where they can hunt for rodents and small mammals.

Are there prairies in Florida?

Yes, Florida does have prairies, the Paynes and Kissimmee prairies.

Are prairies drylands or grasslands?

Prairies are grasslands

Do prairies have more trees than plains do?

plains have more trees than prairies do and prairies have a little bit of trees

What is the difference between a short grass and a tall grass prairie?

The answer is in the name. Short grass prairies and tall grass prairies are different because short grass prairies have short grass, and tall grass prairies have tall grass. Also, tall grass prairies get up to 40 inches of rain, and short grass prairies get only 15inches of rain a year.

What is the largest wild animal in Prairies?

thhe largest animal in the prairies is a buffalo.

How are prairies and plains like?

Prairies and plains are both flat and there is not really a difference.