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Doubtful. Vampires and werewolves do not generally get along. With vampires acute sense of smell they would be able to tell a werewolf whether or not the moon was upon them. And would probably avoid drinking from them.

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Q: Do vampires drink werewolves blood when the werewolf is in human form?
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What is the difference between werewolves and vampires?

vampires drink blood, we werewolves don't. vampires are burned by sunlight, werewolves in their human form or animal form don't. these are some differences.

What are the differences between werewolves and vampires?

Werewolves are people who have either been scratched/cut or bitten by another werewolf, they become werewolves when they feel threatened, in human form they are like they normally are, in wolf form they are likes wolves. They are alive. Vampires are people who have been bitten by other vampires. They are dead, yet alive and they drink blood. Big Difference Between The Two, Don't Get Them Confused!

Were vampires real in the 1920's?

Vampires do not exist, they are mythical creatures like werewolves. People who pose as vampires, and drink blood for example, as some murderers have, are not vampires, just disturbed human beings.

Which monster that drink blood?

Uh, it's a vampire, even tho werewolves technically do drink blood it's not human blood. and if you're talking about all blood, wouldn't it be all?

Who is better Werewolfs or Vampire?

Well that's really just a 50/50 question because some people may like 'werewolves' better than 'vampires'. It depends on what you think. I think werewolves are better, because they can eat anything, and they can drink too, when vampires can only drink blood.

Is Vampire or werewolf most people like?

Well, we both know vampires and werewolves aren't real, but I know what you mean. I would say that werewolves are more human like than vampires. Vampires are death, drink human blood, are cold, react differently to sunlight. Werewolves are alive, they eat the same as we eat, they are warm and react normal to sunlight. Also, because vampires don't age, they won't age or change anything, because werewolves are alive they do age. So I would definitely say that werewolves are more like humans, because they are all the time just like us, except when it's full moon. In stories they can also be described as aggressive.

Are the werewovles in twilight really werewolves?

No, the werewolves in Twilight are shape-shifters who can transform into wolves at will. They are descended from an ancient tribe with the ability to turn into wolves, rather than being traditional werewolves created by the bite of another werewolf.

What does Indian myth say about the cold ones?

"Cold ones" are blood drinkers or vampires who have marble-hard and ice-cold skin. They drink human blood and are indestructible, apart from other vampires and shape-shifting werewolves.

Since mosquitos drink blood does that make them vampires?

no cuz only female mosquitos drink blood but male and female vampires drink blood plus everyone knows that bats are vampires

Can vampires drink any type of blood?

Yes, vampires can drink any type of blood. Doesn't matter if they're from animals or human and drink any kind of blood.

What should vampires eat and drink?


Can you become a werewolf in RuneScape?

No. well it are a next best werewolf if you get a ring of charos werewolfves will think you are one also you can use a werewolf name and in Halloween event 2010 it was a drink called moonlight you must give it werewolves in the quest but if you drink it you become a werewolf for a short amout of time:).