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Minks do not spray, however they do have anal glands that emit an musk order when frightened or threatened.

Many mustelids have anal glands capable of exuding a fetid secretion when threatened or attacked, but they do not spray. Part of the weasel family - Ferret, stoat, European polecat, mink, ermine, black-footed ferret. Other relatives of the weasels are otters, badgers, and wolverines.

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12y ago

Any animal with teeth has the capability of biting. Wild mink need their teeth for chewing through small food prey items and have a tremendous amount of jaw strength. This is true of both wild mink and farm raised mink. There is however a tremendous amount of difference between the two. Farm raised mink have been domesticated through many generations of farming them for their fur. In areas where they are legal, they are popular as pets. Mink love to bite. They use biting as a means of communicating with each other and their people. Raised as pets, it is very important to obtain them at a young age between 5 and 6 weeks so they can be trained to not bite as hard as they are ABLE to. They do not always bite with the intention of inflicting harm on its human, they just don't understand how fragile we are compared to other mink that are very thick skinned with thick fur coats. The most important factor in bite training is to treat the mink as you want him to treat you. NEVER ever hit your mink. As babies they will test everything with their mouths and biting. No matter how hard they bite you must be gentle in your actions and your tone of voice. Never grab or scruff the mink as they will feel cornered. Rule of thumb is that whatever you give, prepare for the mink to give it back 10 fold. anyone planning on having a mink as a pet must be prepared to take some very strong bites and respond with gentleness and love. If you "get it right", you will be rewarded with a loving, entertaining and gentle animal. I highly recommend using a stuffed toy if you wish to rough play with your mink and never let them think they can bite human skin as hard as they can bite a toy. Their jaws are capable of breaking bone, again, not that they mean to, but because they just don't understand how fragile we are. Mink are highly intelligent and inquisitive animals. They move swiftly naturally and most people interpret this as aggression, that their swift movements mean they are intent on attacking.

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14y ago

No it doesn't.

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Are minks friendly towards humans?

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Minks do, indeed, have a tail

How do minks kill their prey?

A ferret will kill it's prey with a quick bite to the back of the neck

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No. White minks are only a domestic color phase of the mink, and, minks are not endangered.

How many minks are left?

Thousands. Minks are not endangered.

Are Minks endangered spices?

Yes. Minks are killed by predators for food and humans hunt minks to extinction for their fur and meat. Minks are also endangered because of habitat loss

When was The Stolen Minks created?

The Stolen Minks was created in 2003.

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Do pine martens hurt people?

answerspinemartens love people and they don't hurt you directly. they hurt minks they like eating them If you tried to pick one up, it would certainly bite or scratch you. Martens are mustelids, which include weasels, minks, wolverines, ferrets, skunks, badgers, fishers. All mustelids are aggressive animals, very high strung.And, pine martens feed mainly on rodents and birds, they do not eat minks.

Will your snake bite after you've handled a ferret?

It's a possibility depending on what type of snake you have. But don't confuse ferrets as being rodents, they are in the weasel family, like minks and ermines.

Are minks herbivore omnivore or carnivore?

Minks are carnivores, meaning they primarily feed on meat. Their diet consists primarily of fish, birds, and small mammals.