It Can, and sometimes It can't, some Werewolves become concumed with greed, then they lose control of their soul, the ones with a loyal heart, will be able to fight of the contriling poison of it( they still will phase into a werewolf!)
No, you can cannot. Actually, you can only control your self when you are about to attack the one you love and if that love is strong enough you won't attack her/him
When transformed, a werewolf has very little, if any, control over itself.
It depends if they are multi mutant.
To become a werewolf you can be born a werewolf or become one by making your self one by saying some spell if you want to know it go to YouTube and type in werewolf spell
when the werewolf bait you you will be converted every night but you dont control the werewolf :p
u have to shoot Ur self with a silver bullet or you will into a freaky deaky werewolf
Depends what kind of werewolf you are, like some you can control but don't remember others you can control and remember and some you can control by thinking of everybody your close to and thinking of memmories with them and even thinking of yourself in human form.
Dracula isn't a werewolf. It's just that vampires can turn into wolves and can control them.
Werewolves aren't real, so you can't become one. You could dress up in a werewolf costume, I suppose.
You control your self and not doing anything bad and copy other people wit good self control
Control of one's self; restraint exercised over one's self; self-command.
go live in a cave and sort your self out