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The FINAL syllable is always stressed in Spanish infinitives.

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dont know  if it was right tho rip me
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4mo ago

In Spanish infinitives, the stress is always on the second-to-last syllable (penultimate syllable) by default, unless there is an accent mark indicating otherwise.

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Q: Which syllable is always stressed in Spanish infinitives?
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What is the stressed syllable in always?

The word always is stressed on the first syllable. (al-ways)

What are the rules governing patterns of word stress?

The rules governing patterns of word stress can vary depending on the language. In English, word stress usually falls on the first syllable of nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. However, in verbs, the stress usually falls on the second syllable. Additionally, there are some patterns of stress placement based on suffixes and word origins.

When you get stressed you talk to your self?

If you are always stressed you should talk to your doctor

Where do the divisions go in iambic pentameter?

In Iambic Pentameter, you always have one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. A metric foot in literature is considered the grouping of these syllables. In iambic after every set of unstressed and stressed syllables you have a foot which is where you place the division. Since it is Pentameter, there will be five feet per line. I hope this is helpful to you.

What is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one in poetry?

There are several systems for marking stressed syllables.Sometimes it is by underlining the syllable that has the main or primary stress.Another system is to write the word with aTTENtion being drawn to the STRESSed SYLLable by WRIting it in CAPital letters.The problem with both of these methods is that there are sometimes primary and secondary stressed syllables. Furthermore, it is not always easy to decide which actual letters should be written in capitals.To overcome these difficulties, many dictionaries and language textbooks have made a practice of indicating pronunciation by using a phonetic alphabet such as the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).In this system, primary stress is indicated by an upper accent mark placed immediately /be'for/ the stressed syllable. Any other syllable that has an important but weaker stress is preceeded by a lower accent mark /,/.For example, the three-syllable word submarine(sub-mar-ine) has two stressed syllables. The first syllable sub should be stressed slightly; the second syllable mar is not stressed; but the third syllable ineshould have the strongest emphasis. The phonetic spelling of submarine, using the lower (,weak) and upper ('strong) accent marks, is / ,sʌbmə'riːn / .For more ,infor'mation, see 'Sources and Re'lated linksbe'low.

Does always have a syllable?

Yes, two.

What is an unstressed syllable and how do you find it in words?

You can look in a dictionary. Dictionaries usually show word stress. BE -lief

What is the meaning of imply but the stress is on the second syllable?

The stress is always on the second syllable of "imply". It means to suggest without stating directly. Sometimes people confuse "imply" and "infer", which means "deduce" and also has its second syllable stressed. When one person implies something by an indirect statement, someone who understands what was implied infers that meaning.

A feeling stress?

If you are feeling stressed you can try going for a walk to release some of it. If you are always stressed you should talk to your doctor.

A whole word or part of a word but always has a single uninterrupted sound?

A syllable is a whole word or part of a word that always has a single uninterrupted sound.

Is the suffix -ing a stessed syllable?

No, it is always unstressed.

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by pple who always annoying other pple