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The Latin root culp- finds its English equivalent in 'guilt'. A Latin derivative is the feminine gender noun 'culpa', which means 'blame, fault'. An English derivative is the noun 'culpability', which likewise means 'blame, fault'.

The Latin root re- literally means 'thing'. An early Latin derivative is 'res', which is a feminine gender noun that means 'thing'. Another Latin derivative is the masculine gender noun 'reus', whose original meaning was 'party in a lawsuit'. Over time, that meaning changed to 'defendant, accused' and then 'guilty person'.

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The Latin root "culpa" refers to "fault" or "blame." Another related root is "peccare," which means "to sin" or "to be At Fault." These roots are used in various words like "culpable" and "peccadillo" to convey the idea of blame or fault.

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someone bloody answer this i dnt know

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