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Let's see if anyone can beat 11.

locks (admittedly, some of these are stretches):

  • Locks - plural noun: things that secure or fasten, usually with a key
  • Locks - verb: to secure or fasten, like with a key
  • Locks - verb: makes immovable
  • Locks - plural noun: sectioned off parts of a canal used to raise and lower boats in the water
  • Locks - plural noun: old-timey firing pin, like in a flintlock pistol
  • Locks - plural noun: certainties, like "Our pitches were so solid, these sales are locks."
  • Locks - sections of hair, usually curly
  • Lox - noun: smoked salmon
  • LOX - noun: liquid oxygen
  • Lochs - plural noun: Scottish lakes, like Loch Ness
  • Lauks/Lawks - plural noun: exclamations of surprise, euphemism for Lord

If those are too much of a stretch, Air has 10:

  • Air - noun: breathable gas
  • Air - noun: appearance or mannerism, like "putting on airs"
  • Air - verb: to publicly express an opinion
  • Air - verb: to ventilate, like "I took off my shoes to air my socks"
  • Ere - preposition: before
  • E'er - contraction: ever
  • Aire - noun: old timey song
  • Heir - noun: that guy that's gonna get my stuff when I die
  • Are - noun: 100 square meters
  • Err - verb: mistake
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The word "rose" has the most homophones, which includes rose, rows, and roes.

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