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== Language diversity is essential for critical thinking. Language is logic. A language contains everything its speakers can think about or consider. For example, in Latin the word for friend is amicus, and the Romans took the idea very seriously. My friend is another me (alter ego), they said. But your basic ancient Roman male had no word for a female friend. The idea of having a female friend did not exist in his mind. The feminine form of amicus is amica, and it does not mean friend, but only girlfriend or mistress, because it was illogical for a male to consider any female to be anything like his equal. In Rome, a female did not even have her own name, only a feminine form of her father's name ( and a nickname, often Greek, to tell her apart from her sisters and cousins ), and she was legally the property of the senior male member of her family, who might be a teen-age adopted great-nephew. But if this hypothetical Roman had to learn the Celtic language of the people he called Germans, whose females enjoyed more-or-less equal standing to the men in their own society, the possibility of a female friend would necessarily be introduced into his speech. What effect would this have on his critical thinking? A profound one, to be sure, and that is but one single word/idea.

The greater part of the Greek vocabulary in English comes through the Latin, where it was introduced because Latin lacked the ideas most of the words stood for, not just the words. When only the word is missing, but some other language's imagery makes sense already, languages often make loan-translations rather than borrowing the foreign words. The English word superman, for example is loan translation from the German Übermensch.

In either case, by borrowing or through loan translation, the different words do to language and therefore to logic and critical thinking what genetic diversity does to living creatures. * The languages of Pao by Jack Vance

* Babel 17 by Samual Delany

ANSWER: "I said what I said. I did not say what I did not say." Alfred Korzysbki created a discipline known as general semantics which attempts to train people to communicate in a more honest way. Our reliance on spoken and written languages with their ever evolving vocabulary is not enough. The diversity goes beyond the written or spoken word because the word is not the thing. This is not a sentence, it is a digital reproduction of the sentence I wrote. The word is not the thing, and without this understanding we are easily influenced by the manipulation of words. Propaganda relies heavily on the power of the word. Truth need not rely on words, and one who is deaf and dumb can communicate. His power of communication is defined solely by his ability to communicate in non verbal ways. Take away his hands and deny him the ability to write and the meaning of words become meaningless. A tree is much, much more than this word: Tree. Love is far more powerful than this word: Love. The thoughts I struggle to communicate at this moment are not in the words I use to communicate, they are bigger than that and when you read this it won't even be in this moment I am experiencing now. Any communication I have accomplished while you read this will not be a shared communication while you are reading it. The words can only help facilitate communication, it is the efforts made beyond these words that will bring about actual communication. It is not easy to think critically, as we are all hopelessly, inherently subjective. It is not impossible to do so. I've done my best to say what I'm saying and avoid not saying what I am not saying. How am I doing so far?

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Language and language diversity play a critical role in the critical thinking process as they shape how people perceive and understand information. Different languages may have unique expressions and nuances that influence how ideas are communicated and interpreted. Exposure to diverse languages can help individuals develop a more well-rounded perspective and enhance their ability to think critically by considering alternative viewpoints.

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Q: What role do language and language diversity play in the critical thinking process?
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What role does language and language diversity play in the critical thinking process?

Language and language diversity play a crucial role in critical thinking as they provide a framework for understanding and interpreting information. Different languages offer unique perspectives and ways of communicating ideas, leading to enriched critical thinking through exposure to diverse viewpoints and modes of expression. Additionally, language shapes how individuals conceptualize and analyze problems, influencing their approach to reasoning and decision-making.

What is the best example of thinking with out language?

Visual thinking, such as mental imagery or spatial reasoning, is often considered a prime example of thinking without language. This type of cognitive process involves manipulating mental images or concepts without the need for verbal or written language.

The borrowing of words from other languages called?

The borrowing of words from other languages is called "loanwords." This process happens when a word from one language is adopted and used in another language. Loanwords can reflect cultural exchanges and influence linguistic diversity.

How age effects on language learning of a child?

Younger children tend to learn language more easily and quickly than older children and adults. This is due to the brain's neuroplasticity and ability to easily acquire and process new information during the critical period for language development. After this critical period, language learning becomes more challenging and may require more effort.

Why does not it is guarantee that a person who is fluent in English is thinking?

Fluency in English is not a guarantee of the ability to think because thinking is a cognitive process that occurs independently of language. While language can influence how thoughts are expressed, the capacity for abstract thinking and problem-solving exists beyond linguistic abilities. In other words, fluency in English may facilitate communication of thoughts, but it does not dictate the presence or quality of thinking itself.

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Why is language important in the critical thinking process?

That is an impossible question to answer as it has to be answered in language as we can only convey our understanding to others in language. However I do have processes of thought that do not involve language.

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Someone can find more information about thinking from a number of websites such as Critical Thinking. The website Critical Thinking provides in depth knowledge and information about the thinking process in the brain.

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This process is called critical thinking.

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Critical thinking is not inherently bad for politics. In fact, critical thinking can help individuals analyze political issues, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. However, the way critical thinking is used in politics can vary, and individuals may have different perspectives and biases that influence their critical thinking process.

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The central element in the process of critical thinking is the ability to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and make reasoned judgments or decisions. Critical thinking involves questioning assumptions, considering multiple perspectives, and being open to new ideas or viewpoints.

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This process is known as critical thinking. It involves analyzing information, asking probing questions, evaluating evidence, and coming to reasoned conclusions. Critical thinking helps individuals make informed decisions and solve complex problems effectively.

What is clarity in critical thinking?

Clarity in critical thinking refers to the ability to clearly communicate ideas and arguments using precise and understandable language. It involves avoiding ambiguity, being logical and well-organized in one's thinking, and ensuring that others can easily follow and understand the thought process behind a specific point or argument.

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critical thinking

What is the process that uses certain skills to solve problems?

critical thinking

What role does emotion play in the critical thinking process?

Emotions can influence critical thinking by affecting our perceptions, biases, and decision-making. Strong emotions can cloud judgment and lead to irrational thinking, while positive emotions can enhance creativity and problem-solving. It is important to recognize and manage emotions to maintain objectivity and make sound decisions in critical thinking.

Englished what is the difference between creative thinking and critical thinking?

Critical thinking is more serious and should be well thought out n the mind process. Creative thinking is more original and involves different thoughts all brought to one process and can be brought out in many different ways. Critical thinking is more serious and should be well thought out n the mind process. Creative thinking is more original and involves different thoughts all brought to one process and can be brought out in many different ways.