prefix for imperfect
The suffix of the word "imperfectness" is "-ness," which is added to the root word "imperfect" to denote the state or quality of lacking perfection.
The word "imperfect" has three syllables.
The suffix word of "constitutional" is "tion," which forms the word "constitution."
The suffix of the word "magician" is -ian.
The suffix of the word "customary" is "-ary."
The suffix of the word "imperfectness" is "-ness," which is added to the root word "imperfect" to denote the state or quality of lacking perfection.
nonperfect, or an older word not used much today is unperfect.
The word "imperfect" has three syllables.
No one is perfect, so therefore everyone is imperfect.
The root word in imperfect is perfect and the prefix is im meaning not. Im-Perfect=Not-Perfect
The suffix word of "constitutional" is "tion," which forms the word "constitution."
The suffix of the word "magician" is -ian.
The suffix of the word "customary" is "-ary."
The suffix is -or. This suffix is comparative.
There is no suffix word for child hood instead the hood in word is the suffix
The suffix in the word duties is -ies. This suffix just makes words plural.
Teacherness is not even a suffix, nor a word.