The prefix for Bipolar disorder is "bi-", meaning two or double, and the suffix is "-ar", indicating a relationship to or a characteristic of.
Bi- (prefix meaning "two") + polar (root word meaning "poles") + -ar (suffix indicating "related to").
The prefix of vasoconstriction is "vaso-" and the suffix is "-constriction."
Prefix: un- Suffix: -er
Decline does not have a prefix or suffix.
The prefix for "because" is "be-" and there is no suffix for this word.
There are 2 diagnostic suffixes that can be added to the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder --"rapid cycling" and "with seasonal pattern."
Bi- (prefix meaning "two") + polar (root word meaning "poles") + -ar (suffix indicating "related to").
Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is generally caused by genetics.
The correct term is bipolar disorder. Some people call it a disease though.
Discount itself is not a prefix nor a suffix. There is no suffix in discount, but the prefix is dis-.
a disorder
The prefix of vasoconstriction is "vaso-" and the suffix is "-constriction."
Yes, stress makes Bipolar Disorder behavior worse. My daughter is Bipolar.
It's not known to be an effective treatment for bipolar disorder.
There is no prefix suffix for stem.