The plural form for the demonstrative pronoun this is these.
The plural word of delay is delays.
The plural of the word "raisin" is "raisins."
The plural of the word brush is brushes. As in "she brushes her hair".
The correct plural for the word "wolf" is "wolves."
Cops, law enforcement, fuzz, etc.
The word fuzzy is an adjective. The noun form is "fuzz."
wizz Spaz Fuzz
Yes, it is a short U sound (wuz) to rhyme with buzz and fuzz.
The word crises is a plural word; it is the plural form of the word crisis.
Fuzz, buzz,
fizz, fuzz
There is no plural word for if.
The plural form for the demonstrative pronoun this is these.
A non-plural word, a word (noun or pronoun) that is not plural is singular, a word for just one.