The latin root word that means a break in the continuity of something is interruption.
Interrupt came from the Latin word Interruptus Inter, the prefix, means "between" Rupture is the root word and it means "to break" Ed is the suffix and it causes the word to be past tense. So really Interrupt means "between break" or to break a conversation between two people.
Interruption is from Latin inter "in the midst" and ruptio "a breaking; fracture." Ruptio is from the past participle (ruptus, "broken") of the verb rumpere "to break."
The Latin root word "long" or "longus" is the opposite of the Latin root word "brev" which means short or brief.
"Fract" is a Latin root word, derived from the Latin verb "frangere" meaning "to break."
The word "captain" does not come from the Latin root capit. It comes from the Latin word caput, which also means head.
Interrupt came from the Latin word Interruptus Inter, the prefix, means "between" Rupture is the root word and it means "to break" Ed is the suffix and it causes the word to be past tense. So really Interrupt means "between break" or to break a conversation between two people.
The root word for "interrupt" is "rupt," which comes from the Latin word "rumpere," meaning "to break." The prefix "inter-" means "between" or "among," so when combined with "rupt," it forms the word "interrupt," which means to break in between or disturb a conversation or event.
Interruption is from Latin inter "in the midst" and ruptio "a breaking; fracture." Ruptio is from the past participle (ruptus, "broken") of the verb rumpere "to break."
The Latin root word of port means to break something up. So to explain in a little sentence it would mean:Break something up.
it means air and it is a Latin root word
The Latin root word "long" or "longus" is the opposite of the Latin root word "brev" which means short or brief.
"Fract" is a Latin root word, derived from the Latin verb "frangere" meaning "to break."
The word "captain" does not come from the Latin root capit. It comes from the Latin word caput, which also means head.
The Latin root of the word "destination" is "destinare," which means "to determine" or "to appoint."
The root word that means "ask" is "rogare" from Latin.
The root word is tang. This root word means touch.
The word with a Latin root that means "one who is sent" is "emissary."