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English came to India with the British rulers. With their prosperity on the Indian soil, their language English also prospered. Since the British left Indian shores, it was hoped that English also would leave this country at no distant date, but English has stayed with us. Some people resent it stay and others welcome it. The continued use of English in post-Independence era, is viewed with hostility. English is a foreign language in India is true, but with a difference.

English is one of the richest languages of the world. It has become the language of science, commerce, trade and international negotiations. It cannot be ignored for higher scientific technological studies. Hence we must benefit ourselves by this language. Almost 60% of the world's advanced research is done in English and the rest is quickly translated into English. So it becomes necessary for an Indian to know English otherwise he will cut himself off from the world knowledge. The history of English literature and language, shows that English has not become what it is today by a sudden leap, but it has gained in strength and maturity by perseverance of its votaries.

English is an International language. It is understood and spoken by more than half the population of the world. If we want to remain in touch with the outside world, we will have to retain English. Those who wish to go for higher studies, to carry on research work, to be in touch with great scholars of advanced countries, to enter into foreign service and to travel abroad, cannot possibly do without having a good working knowledge of English.

States like Tamil Nadu threatened to break away from India, if Hindi is enforced on them. In Tamil Nadu people feel that English is very important and should be studied by all the students compulsorily. There have been outcries from the champions of Hindi. Nothings and drafting can be done in Hindi in government offices. Any competitive exam­ination including I.P.S. and I.A.S. can be taken in Hindi, also telegrams can be sent in Hindi, but English has continued to enjoy the same position as it did decades ago.

English acts as the link-language, because it is easier to find people in every part of country, who know English. Therefore, a north Indian traveling in the South can communicate with them, if he knows English. The same cannot be done in Hindi. The experience of replacing English with the regional language as the medium of instruction of the university level has proved extremely harmful. The regional languages are not fully developed. Moreover books in different subjects are not available in regional languages. This makes the task of teaching in the regional language very difficult.

With the adoption of English as the official language by Nagaland in 1967, it has acquired the status of a regional language. In spite of all these facts, in India after the achievement of independence, people have a set reaction against it. They want English to be abolished, as it was the language of the British who kept us slaves for a long time. We should always keep in mind the contribution which English had made to India. Learning of English does not mean that we will evolve a slave mentality. Hence English should be encouraged to be learnt.

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English language is important in India because it serves as a common language that bridges linguistic diversity in the country. It is used for communication across regions and states, in education, business, and government. Additionally, proficiency in English increases access to global opportunities and enhances India's presence in the international market.

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Which largest population that uses English as a second language?

India has the largest population that uses English as a second language. It is estimated that over 125 million people in India speak English as a second language.

When was Hindi declared national language of India?

Hindi was declared as one of the official languages of India in the Constitution of India when it was adopted in 1950. However, it was not given the status of the national language; India recognizes Hindi and English as official languages.

What countries speak English as their second language?

Some countries where English is commonly spoken as a second language include India, the Philippines, Nigeria, and South Africa. English is often used for business, education, and communication in these countries alongside the native language.

Should English be the official language in India?

English is already widely used in India as a language of government, business, and education. Implementing it as the official language may further marginalize non-English speakers and indigenous languages in the country. It's important to promote linguistic diversity and inclusivity.

What is the importance of Hindi Day?

Hindi Day celebrates the official language of India and promotes its use and preservation. It helps raise awareness about the cultural and linguistic diversity of the country, as well as the importance of Hindi in connecting people from different regions. Observing Hindi Day also encourages the learning and appreciation of the language among individuals.

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English language from india perspective can be considered a link language

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India was ruled by the Brits for many decades. Business is conducted in English and higher education uses English in India. Many people there use it as their primary language and the native languages are secondary for them. You will notice that the English the Indians use sounds very British or Queen's English style. All international business in India is conducted in English too.

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English language is an international language that everyone has to utilize for communication.

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The cause of associate English language in India is that India was once a colony of Britain.

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Importance of English in social life

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The importance of English language in the community is it help the community to gather tourist.

Why English should not be the first language of India?

English is not the first language of India, and it should not be, because not enough people speak it as a first language.

Importance of the English language?

To have diversity in the world.

What is the importance of the English language to you as a normal person?

If you are speaking as a person whose first language is English, the answer is communication. If you are another 'normal' person the importance needs discussion.