The homophone for "to gaze" is "too" and the homophone for "flight of steps" is "flight of stairs." Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. In this case, "to" sounds like "toe" and "stairs" sound like "stares."
stair and stare
The homophone of "gaze" is "gays".
Both 'staircase' or 'stairway'.
The word that is a homophone of "gaze" and "step" is "stare."
A homophone for "gaze" is "gays." Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
stair and stare
The homophone of "gaze" is "gays".
Stares and stairs.
Both 'staircase' or 'stairway'.
The word that is a homophone of "gaze" and "step" is "stare."
A homophone for "gaze" is "gays." Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
The homophones of "gaze" are "gays" and "gays."
The homophone for "flight of stairs" is "flite of stares." The homophone for "to look fixedly" is "stare."
A homophone for steps is "steppes," which refers to large, treeless grasslands.
The seer had a gaze that could sear through my soul.
I do not think there is any homophone for the word, "fly".
steps, steppes