The homophone for "ale" is "ail."
The homophone of "ail" is "ale".
The homonym for "ail" is "ale."
1af (=cyntaf)2il (=ail)
The answer is that there is no homophone for can, but can is a homonym.
The homophone for "ale" is "ail."
The homophone of "ail" is "ale".
The homonym for "ail" is "ale."
Saint-Ail's population is 328.
An ail is an ailment or an illness, or a bristle of barley or other types of corn.
The area of Saint-Ail is 7,380,000.0 square meters.
the answer is ail: Meaning of ail: to feel or cause someone to feel ill, unhealthy, or weak.
"The ale that he drank caused him to ail rapidly, as it was poisoned."Ale: noun; a higher quality beer or lager.Ail: Verb; To become sick.
1af (=cyntaf)2il (=ail)
Although this philosophy is not recommended, "Ale is good for whatever might ail you."