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A register in computer science refers to a section of RAM used to store and operate on their values.

There are several registers, such as the A, B, C, D, E, F, H, and L registers, although, the names of these may very depending on the processor and the assembler.

All of these registers mentioned are 8bit registers. Meaning, they can only hold 1 byte of data, ranging from 0 to 255.

In order to achieve more memory, you can combine two registers. For example, the "HL" register refers to a combination of the "H" and "L" registers which create a 16bit, or 2 byte, section of RAM for storing data.

So, in conclusion, the HL register is a 16bit section of RAM in which you can store two bytes of data and operate on their values.

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4mo ago

The h-L register in computing refers to a pair of registers used in some processors to store a 16-bit memory address. It is often used for memory operations and calculations involving memory addresses. The h register stores the high-order byte while the l register stores the low-order byte of the address.

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