the word is a verb and indicates the action of repeating something.
The word that fits this description is fairness.
The suffix of "undoing" is "-ing."
The suffix of "moon" is "-oon".
The suffix of inundate is -ate. This suffix means in condition of.
Apex (:The Act Of
Attaches to the end of a word <----- Apex dummi
ide apex :)
the word is a verb and indicates the action of repeating something.
When naming the compound containing lithium and chlorine, the suffix of the anion's name, "chlorine," changes to "-ide." Therefore, the compound is named lithium chloride.
The word that fits this description is fairness.
The suffix of "undoing" is "-ing."
- Itis is the suffix meaning Inflammation-itisThe medical term for inflammation is actually the suffix, "itis" as in arthritis (inflamation of the joints), encelphalitis (inflammation of the brain), and blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), et. al.-itis-itis
The suffix of "moon" is "-oon".
There is no suffix in misjudge.
The suffix of inundate is -ate. This suffix means in condition of.