It comes from the Latin base word "spec kid" which loosely defined means over the top or extremely slow.
The Latin root word for hear is "audire."
The Latin root of the word "destination" is "destinare," which means "to determine" or "to appoint."
The root word for "sound" is "sonus" from Latin, while the root word for "write" is "scribere," also from Latin.
The Latin root is Posse meaning, to be able
The Latin word for a 'crown' is 'corona' ('coronae', if plural).
The Latin root word for hear is "audire."
The Latin root of the word "destination" is "destinare," which means "to determine" or "to appoint."
The root word for "sound" is "sonus" from Latin, while the root word for "write" is "scribere," also from Latin.
what is the latin root for apparently
What is the latin root word in pondered
Fractum is the Latin Root word for Fracture or Fragile.
The Latin root is Posse meaning, to be able
The Latin word for a 'crown' is 'corona' ('coronae', if plural).
The word "precipitate" contains the Latin root "cip," meaning "to throw or fall headlong."
The Latin root word for archaeology is "archaeo-", which comes from the Greek word "archaios" meaning "ancient" or "old."
The root "Struct" is Latin in origin. It comes from the Latin word "structura," meaning "a building or structure."
The root word for "pedestrian" in Latin is "pedester," which means "on foot" or "foot soldier."