Logos is the Greek root of a word an example of a word using the root logos is logic.
The root word "logos" is derived from Greek and means "speech," "word," or "reason." It is often used in English to refer to words or discourse, as well as logic and reason.
No, the root word of "trilogy" is "tri-" meaning three, while "logy" comes from the Greek word "logos" meaning word or study. So "trilogy" is derived from two Greek roots, not just "logy."
The word root in the word "geology" is "geo," which comes from the Greek word "ge," meaning "earth." "ology" in "geology" comes from the Greek word "logos," which means "study of."
Yes, the ending '-logue' comes from the Greek root word 'logos', meaning "speech" or "word." It is commonly used in English to refer to a formal written or spoken discourse on a particular subject, such as in monologue, dialogue, or epilogue.
"Biology" comes from the Greek root words "bios" meaning life and "logos" meaning study.
"logos, " the Greek word for "story."
The root word "logos" is derived from Greek and means "speech," "word," or "reason." It is often used in English to refer to words or discourse, as well as logic and reason.
No, the root word of "trilogy" is "tri-" meaning three, while "logy" comes from the Greek word "logos" meaning word or study. So "trilogy" is derived from two Greek roots, not just "logy."
There isn't a Latin root for '-ology'. The root instead is found in the classical Greek language of the ancient Greeks. The root for '-logy' is the Greek logos for 'word'.
The word root in the word "geology" is "geo," which comes from the Greek word "ge," meaning "earth." "ology" in "geology" comes from the Greek word "logos," which means "study of."
Yes, the ending '-logue' comes from the Greek root word 'logos', meaning "speech" or "word." It is commonly used in English to refer to a formal written or spoken discourse on a particular subject, such as in monologue, dialogue, or epilogue.
The greek definition of logo is logos meaning word ,a unit of speech
Logos means the "Word".
Illogical is from the Greek word logos (reason or thinking). The prefix il- signifies "without"
"Biology" comes from the Greek root words "bios" meaning life and "logos" meaning study.
The Greek root for "loc" is "logos," which means word or speech. It is used in various English words related to communication, such as logic and dialogue.
Logos refers to the Word of God. Clarification: The word 'logos' is not Jewish, it is Greek in origin.