The English word for Tamil word "kusu" is "garbage" or "rubbish."
The English word for the Tamil word "sitthal" is "burning."
The English word for Tamil word "Swaroopam" is "Form" or "Appearance."
The English meaning of the Tamil word "tungiran" is "listen".
The Tamil word for "Suriyan" is சூரியன்.
The English word for Tamil word "kusu" is "garbage" or "rubbish."
The English word for the Tamil word "sitthal" is "burning."
The English word for Tamil work vikkal is hiccup.
The English word for Tamil word "Swaroopam" is "Form" or "Appearance."
The appropriate english word for the tamil word "kaaram" is Spicy.
The Tamil word pokkisham means treasure in English.
The English meaning of the Tamil word "tungiran" is "listen".
First of all, 'Abhishekam' is NOT Tamil word, but Sanskrit word. The actual word in Tamil for it is... "Thiru Mulukku" The English word for it is... "Anointment."
The Tamil word for "Suriyan" is சூரியன்.
"Onnume" in Tamil means "nothing" in English.