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he is tiny Tim

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2mo ago

"Height challenged" is a metaphor that can be used to describe someone who is short. It uses the concept of height to indirectly refer to someone's short stature.

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Q: What is a example of a metaphor for the word short?
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What is an example of a metaphor for short?

A metaphor for short could be "she was a firecracker." This implies that the person is small in stature but has a lively and impactful personality.

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Yes, "Fame is a bee" is an example of a metaphor, as it is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable, in this case comparing fame to a bee.

Is The classroom was a hive of worker bees a simile or a metaphor?

it is a metaphor because a simile must have 'as' or 'like' in it whereas a metaphor is something that's not literal and is normally when something stands for another thing

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The journey was the metaphor.

Does the word carrot have a short a or long a?

A short 'a'. A long a would be for example in the word 'farm'.

Is the word and an example of a long a sound?

No, the word "and" is an example of a short "a" sound.

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A metaphor for the word stength is tower of strength.