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The homophone for wood is would. wood: noun: substance of trees; fuel or building materials. I need some wood for the fireplace. would: indicates a conditional statement or introduces a polite request. Would you like to hear my poem?

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5mo ago

A homophone of wood is would. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

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What is the homophone of wood?

The homophone of "wood" is "would." They sound the same but have different meanings.

What is the homophone for the word wood?

A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another but has a different meaning. The homophone for the word wood is would.

Spell correctly a homophone of wood?

Would is a homophone of "wood"

Homophone of would?

The homophone for would is wood.He chopped the wood and burned it in the fireplace.

What is the homophone for would?

The homophone for "would" is "wood." It is a word that sounds the same but is spelled differently and has a different meaning.

What is a homophone for would?

A homophone for "would" is "wood." Both words sound the same when spoken, but have different spellings and meanings.

Homophone for wood?


What is the homophone pair that means a piece of wood and uninterested?

The homophone pair you are referring to is "board" (a piece of wood) and "bored" (uninterested).

What is the homophone pair for a piece of wood that has nothing to do?

A bored board is a piece of wood that has nothing to do.

What is an homophone for all?

A homophone for "all" is "awl", which is a pointed tool used for piercing holes in wood or leather.

What is the homophone of would?

Would you help me carry in some wood to build a fire?

Is Wouldn't a homophone?

Yes, "Wouldn't" is a contraction of "would not." It is a homophone of "wooden," which is a material or quality related to wood.