A contraction of Photograph.
"Photography" is a term that uses the root "photo." It refers to the art and practice of creating images using light, either digitally or through the use of chemical processes.
The root word -graph means to write or draw. It is used in various words related to writing, drawing, or recording information, such as photograph (light writing) or autograph (self writing).
The root "mut" means "change" or "transform."
The root word med or medi means middle.
Ancient Greek photos which means light.
photograph, telegraph, geography, radiography
It means reproduction or distribution of the photograph is legal after permission from the author is sought.
It means the photograph is 10 inches wide by 12.5 inches long.
You mean AERIAL I hope. This is a photograph or movie taken from the air, by an aircraft or satellite
The image would be too bright
PHOTO as in picture/photograph
do you mean pictures of you? the last goodnight sings that.
A photograph showing or explaining something.
it means a photograph.
Picture, portrait, photograph
it is not a greek root or any root