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Some negative influences of American culture on Filipino society include the erosion of traditional Filipino values, the promotion of consumerism and materialism, and the imposition of Western beauty standards which can lead to low self-esteem among Filipinos. Additionally, the historical colonization by the United States has had lasting impacts on the Philippines, including economic exploitation and cultural assimilation.

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What is filipino orientalism and filipino's occidentalism?

Filipino Orientalism refers to Western stereotypes, representations, and perspectives of the Philippines and its people, often romanticizing or exoticizing them. Filipino Occidentalism, on the other hand, involves Filipino critiques or responses to Western influence, highlighting issues such as cultural imperialism, neocolonialism, and the negative impacts of globalization on Filipino identity and society.

Foreign influence in Filipino folk song?

Filipino folk songs have been influenced by various foreign cultures due to centuries of colonization and trade. Spanish, American, Chinese, and Islamic influences can be heard in Filipino folk music through the use of language, instruments, melodies, and themes. These foreign influences have contributed to the rich and diverse tapestry of Filipino folk songs we hear today.

Hindu influence to filipino?

The Hindu influence on Filipino culture can be seen in language, customs, traditions, and arts. Sanskrit loanwords are present in Filipino languages, and Hindu beliefs have left an imprint on various aspects of Filipino life, such as the worship of deities like Lakshmi and Kali. This influence is particularly strong in the southern Philippines among the indigenous peoples, like the Tausug and Maranao.

What did Hindu influence to filipino culture?

Hindu influence on Filipino culture can be seen in various aspects such as language, religion, art, and architecture. Filipinos adopted words like "guru" and "maharlika" from Hindu influence. Hindu gods and goddesses also influenced early Filipino spirituality and beliefs. Additionally, Hindu architectural styles like the use of temples and statues have left a mark on Filipino structures.

Is JR Celski a Filipino?

No, JR Celski is not Filipino. He is an American short track speed skater of Polish and Filipino descent.

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What are the negative effects of American occupation in the Philippines?

Negative effects of American occupation in the Philippines include loss of Filipino lives during conflicts, suppression of Filipino culture and language, economic exploitation, and political instability caused by American intervention in local affairs.

What is filipino orientalism and filipino's occidentalism?

Filipino Orientalism refers to Western stereotypes, representations, and perspectives of the Philippines and its people, often romanticizing or exoticizing them. Filipino Occidentalism, on the other hand, involves Filipino critiques or responses to Western influence, highlighting issues such as cultural imperialism, neocolonialism, and the negative impacts of globalization on Filipino identity and society.

Foreign influence in Filipino folk song?

Filipino folk songs have been influenced by various foreign cultures due to centuries of colonization and trade. Spanish, American, Chinese, and Islamic influences can be heard in Filipino folk music through the use of language, instruments, melodies, and themes. These foreign influences have contributed to the rich and diverse tapestry of Filipino folk songs we hear today.

Is Billy Crawford a Filipino Spaniard?

Billy crawford is an American-Filipino. Not Filipino-Spaniard/Spanish-Filipino..

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What was the reason filipino participate in filipino American war?


What was Reasons for Filipino Participation in Filipino American war?




What countries influence the art of the early Filipino's?

i belive... that the filipino had their own art and not influenced by other county

A is a term for a negative influence?

There is no one specific term for a negative influence, however there are many synonyms for the word negative that can be used to correlate a negative influence. This is one example: eating fatty foods has a detrimental (negative influence) effect on heart health.