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Examples of primitive data types include integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and booleans. These data types are basic building blocks in programming languages and are typically directly supported by the hardware.

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Q: What are the examples of primitive?
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Where can one find examples of primitive Christmas ornaments?

There are many places where one could find examples of primitive Christmas ornaments. The best places to find examples of historic ornaments of Christmas would be in a history book.

Examples of primitive and non primitive scheduling?

The latter isn't primitive. Most likely it means 'non trivial', 'adaptive' or 'sophisticated'.

What does the root prim mean?

first (Latin primus)examples: primary, primitive, prime

What cells are primitive cells that contain no nucleus or organelles and also known as bacteria?

Prokaryotic cells are primitive cells that lack a nucleus and organelles. Bacteria are examples of prokaryotic cells.

What is a primitive animal?

A primitive animal is a type of organism that is considered to be simple in structure and function compared to more complex organisms. These animals often exhibit features that are similar to ancestral forms, reflecting an earlier stage of evolution. Examples of primitive animals include sponges and jellyfish.

What traits in the plant are primitive?

Primitive traits in plants are often associated with more ancient or primitive plant lineages, such as non-flowering plants like ferns and mosses. Some examples of primitive traits include a lack of flowers, vascular tissues, seeds, and true leaves. These traits are considered primitive because they are characteristic of earlier stages in plant evolution.

What is the comparative form of the word primitive?

The comparative form of "primitive" is "more primitive."

How do you spell primitive?

Primitive is spelled the way you spelled it: primitive.

What are primitive units of measurements?

Primitive units of measurements are fundamental and indivisible units used to quantify physical quantities. Examples include the meter for length, second for time, kilogram for mass, ampere for electric current, kelvin for temperature, mole for amount of substance, and candela for luminous intensity.

When did the aborigines start their art?

Their primitive rock art examples are the oldest known art images by modern humans and go back about 40,000 years.

When did the aboriginals start art?

Their primitive rock art examples are the oldest known art images by modern humans and go back about 40,000 years.

Primitive in a sentence?

Living in a cave is primitive.