1. Endobronchial : ENDO bronchial (en do bron' ki al) adj.
Within the cavity of a bronchus
2. Endocardial : ENDO cardial (en do kard' ee al) adj.
Within the heart
3. Endochrome : ENDO chrome (en' do krome) n.
Coloring matter within the cell
4. Endocrine : ENDO crine (en' do krin) n.
Any internal secretion
5. Endocrinology : ENDO crinology (en do kri nol' o jee) n.
Science of the endocrine glands
6. Endocrinopathy : ENDO crinopathy (en do kri nop' a thi) n.
Disorder of the endocrine glands
7. Endogamy : ENDO gamy (en dog' a mee) n.
Marriage within a legally designated group
8. Endoparasite : ENDO parasite (en do par' a site) n.
A parasite living within the body; as, a tapeworm
9. Endogeny : ENDO geny (en doj' e nee) n.
Growth from within
10. Endogastric : ENDO gastric (en do gas' trik) adj.
Relating to the inside of the stomach
11. Endopsychic : ENDO psychic (en do sie' kik) adj.
Developing within the psyche
12. Endorachis : ENDO rachis (en do ray' kis) n.
The membrane lining in the spinal canal
13. Endoral : END oral (en do' ral) adj.
Within the mouth
14. Endoscope : ENDO scope (en' do skope) n.
Instrument to see the interior of a hollow organ
15. Endosepsis : ENDO sepsis (en do sep' sis) n.
Internal rotting away of figs
16. Endosteal : END osteal (en dos' tee al) adj.
Within the bone
17. Endothermy : ENDO thermy ( en do ther' mee) n.
Surgical production of heat within the tissues
18. Endotoxin : ENDO toxin (en do tok' sin) n.
A toxin of internal origin
19. Endotrophic : ENDO trophic (en do trof' ik) adj.
Nourished from within
20. Endophagy : ENDO phagy (en dof' a ji) n.
Cannibalism within the family or tribe
Some words beginning with 'sub' are:subjectsublimesubmitsubmarinesubletsubterraneansubmersesubsistsubservientsubduesubliminalsubmerge
Some words beginning with "xi" include xiphoid, xiphosuran, and xiphias.
Some one syllable words beginning with C and has the Soft C sound:CedeCeeCellCentCereCertCillCineCiteCymeCyst
Some compound words beginning with 'ship' include spaceship, flagship, relationship, championship, and worship.
Endo means to gather. One of the most common words with this is endothermic.
Endo means to gather. One of the most common words with this is endothermic.
Endo means to gather. One of the most common words with this is endothermic.
Some four syllable words beginning with U are:UnderstandingUnicycleUnluckily
Some words beginning with 'sub' are:subjectsublimesubmitsubmarinesubletsubterraneansubmersesubsistsubservientsubduesubliminalsubmerge
Some positive words beginning with M are:melodiousmerrymildMargaritamannerlymommymagneticmemoriesmassagemellowmanageablemarigolds
mine-nine moon-noon
Some three letter words beginning with D are:diddogdoediedendindabduodotdigdrydye
Some words beginning with "xi" include xiphoid, xiphosuran, and xiphias.
Some five letter words beginning with F are:favorfirstfaithfilthfloorflameflukeframefrailforgefurorflood
Some six letter words beginning with e are:eatingerodesearwigearwaxelopedeitherextortexertsemesisemulgeeponymeagletearfulequate
Some one syllable words beginning with C and has the Soft C sound:CedeCeeCellCentCereCertCillCineCiteCymeCyst
You can start the beginning of a essay with the words, 'the, what, our, you and it.' Try not to start you beginning paragraph with words like 'and, but, and because.'