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āˆ™ 15y ago
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āˆ™ 10mo ago
  • Prefixes: by-, sur-
  • Suffixes: -able, -er, -ing
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Q: What are some prefixes and suffixes for the word pass?
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What are the kinds of affixes?

Affixes are prefixes, suffixes, infixes, and circumfixes. Prefixes are attached at the beginning of a word, while suffixes are attached at the end of a word. Infixes are inserted within a word, and circumfixes surround a word.

Prefixes and suffixes for the root word line?

Prefixes: re-, sub-, un- Suffixes: -ment, -ing, -less

What is the component parts of a word?

The component parts of a word are prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Prefixes are added at the beginning of a word, suffixes at the end, and roots are the core meaning of the word.

What are prefixes and suffixes for the word help?

prefixes for help: noneboth a prefix and a suffix for help:unhelpfulsuffixes for help:helperhelplesshelplessness (2 suffixes)helpfulhelpfulness (2 suffixes)helping

What are pefixes and suffixes?

a prefixes is a group of letters that are fixed to the front of the root word. A suffixes is the main word for example dislike. dis is the prefixes and like is the suffixes

What are the three word elements of medical terminology?

The three word elements of medical terminology are prefixes, roots, and suffixes. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word, roots provide the core meaning of the word, and suffixes are added to the end of a word.

Does graduate have any prefixes of suffixes?

The word "graduate" does not have any prefixes or suffixes. It is a standalone word that means someone who has successfully completed a degree or course of study.

Prefixes and suffixes for the word ''shock''?

Prefixes: Aftershock. Suffixes: Shocked, shocks, shocking, shocker.

What is the in the middle of prefixes and suffixes?

The middle part of a word is called the root or base word. It is the main part of the word to which prefixes and suffixes can be added to create new meanings.