archaeologist. biologist. cryptologist. dermatologist. ecologist. fermentologist. geologist. hematologist. immunologist. lepidopterologist. meteorologist. neurologist. ophthalmologist. physicist. radiologist. sociologist. tribologist. urologist. virologist. zoologist.
scientist, dentist, orthodontist, pharmacist, and terrorist
atheist terrorist perfectionist novelist automobililst dentist florist nonconformist meteorologist endocrinologist zoologist pacifist baptist
acupuncturistallergistanthropologistbiologistdentistbotanistchemistcosmetologistcosmologistgenealogistgeologistgynecologistmachinistmanicuristoncologistpathologistpenologistpolitical scientistepidemiologistorthodontistorthopedistpharmacistpolitical scientistpsychiatristpublicistpsychologistreading specialistradiologistscientistseismologisttherapisttranscriptions
A word with "ist" at the end is most commonly a noun indicating a person who practices or follows a particular belief, ideology, or profession. It can also be an adjective describing characteristics or qualities related to a specific belief or practice.
Some examples of suffixes are "-ly" (quickly), "-able" (movable), and "-ness" (happiness). These are added to the end of a base word to modify its meaning.
dentist, therapist, psychiatrist, artist, lobbyist, ummmm does that help?
Some words with ist in the end include-artist, communist, list , and mist
Feminist and finalist are 8 letter words. They end with the letters IST.
scientist, dentist, orthodontist, pharmacist, and terrorist
The letters 'ist' is not a word or a pronoun, -ist is a suffix that turns a word for an action into a noun for a person who performs the action such as machine to machinist or piano to pianist.
atheist terrorist perfectionist novelist automobililst dentist florist nonconformist meteorologist endocrinologist zoologist pacifist baptist
acupuncturistallergistanthropologistbiologistdentistbotanistchemistcosmetologistcosmologistgenealogistgeologistgynecologistmachinistmanicuristoncologistpathologistpenologistpolitical scientistepidemiologistorthodontistorthopedistpharmacistpolitical scientistpsychiatristpublicistpsychologistreading specialistradiologistscientistseismologisttherapisttranscriptions
Because -ist means a person <peace, love, rain, and other things that come out of nowhere and hit you in the face> well, there is perfectionist and loyalist, there are two.
the rat ran away from the dog/cat.
motorist and terroist