Words with hard vowels in the English language include "cat," "dog," "big," "top," and "cup."
Some examples of "t" sounds in the English language are words like "top," "cat," "water," and "better."
Some examples of words with complex syllables in English are "antidisestablishmentarianism," "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," and "pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism."
Some foreign words adopted in English language include "schadenfreude" from German, "cul-de-sac" from French, "bungalow" from Hindi, and "sushi" from Japanese.
Some English words borrowed from French include "ballet," "champagne," "garage," and "fiancé."
Some of the most commonly used words in the English language include "the", "people", "about", and "like". Other words include "time", "because", and "first".
Some Greek vocabulary words that are used in English writing are kudos, phobia, genesis, and dogma. The Greek language has had a strong impact on the English language.
The words used in the Latin language were the words spoken by the ancient Romans and some of those words now have roots in the English language.
some words are from other languages.
carte blanche
Some foreign words adopted in English language include "schadenfreude" from German, "cul-de-sac" from French, "bungalow" from Hindi, and "sushi" from Japanese.
Nearly 50 percent of our words in English have Latin roots. Some students who take Latin in school say that learning Latin helps them understand the meanings of words in English.
Some English words borrowed from French include "ballet," "champagne," "garage," and "fiancé."
Some words do not translate from English to Korean (or from Korean to English). Those words would appear in the native language, for instance, a word in English will be the same in a Korean sentence. For example: Microsoft is cool Microsoft는 멋지다
There are words that considered hight frequency words in every language. In English, some of those words are, I,see, me , my, they, can, have. Each language will have their own 100 top words.
Some words in English that sound like they come from Spanish include taco, salsa, siesta, hacienda, and fiesta. These words have been borrowed and adopted into English, preserving their Spanish pronunciation and meaning.
Well, after all, English is supposed to be the hardest language in the world.